Oko Lele is an animated series that tells stories of Jamie who teleports back in time to the Stone Age through a mysterious portal. He meets two cavemen Oko and Lele, together they're trying to survive in the world full of dangers.
Jamie is a school scout from present day. He is very helpful. He loves adventures but also a bit scaredy cat. He teleported back to Stone Age through a mysterious portal and befriended Oko and Lele.
Oko lives with Lele in a cave. He reacts based on survival instinct. He eats anything includes poisonous plants and venomous bugs. Luckily he still manage to differentiate friends or foods.
Lele is a cheerful little caveman. He loves natures
and flowers. However, he scared of creepy crawlies.
He always get bullied by Oko too.
OKOLELE is looking for Collaboration!
Hello, we are looking for a chance to collaborate in any form. Do contact us and let us know how we can work together!
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